Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mommy's Return to Work: Day 3

Mommy returned to work this week and everything is going really well.
Grant is doing great with Grandma and Auntie Si.
James is healthy and back to his fun times in preschool.

hopefully some fun photos this weekend! ;0)

Love, the siripoke fam

Saturday, January 26, 2008

we're gettin' better

We are all getting better here in the Siripoke house. Daddy still (knock on wood) has escaped infection. The boys are on day 7 of their meds and doing great! Mommy is slowly recovering and feeling better each day!
You have to act fast because he is always moving, but I was able to grab a semi-focused shot of Grant this evening...with a sweet smile.
17 weeks old tomorrow...

Monday, January 21, 2008


Well if you can believe it, we are all sick AGAIN. We went to Grant's "well baby" visit today but it quickly turned into a sick visit. Both boys have ear infections and bad colds. Nothing some time and rest can't beat! ;0)

The Doctor thinks James will be the healthiest Kindergartner on the planet after having had every bug in existence in his 3rd year! ;0) Fingers crossed.

Grant is 14 lbs (Doc thinks it would have been a bit higher if he weren't sick) and 26 inches long. 
He is my long, lean, string bean!!!

Love to you all! Wash your hands! ;0)

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Our sweet nephew Blake has a slide show below to check it out...

Friday, January 18, 2008

say cheese....

Ever since getting a new digital camera my love for photography has really taken off. I can't seem to stop clicking away at anything and everything! James and Grant are my most photographed subjects! ;0)

Our friends are expecting their first baby in February. I recently had a chance to take some pictures of them before the big day and put together a slide show. It's posted here:

I have been bitten by the photography bug! I am always looking for opportunities to practice and learn more, so any one out there that wants some photos, give me a call! Learning is the fun part! ;o) 

Special thanks to Hollie Brooks for being my inspiration. She is a true pro whose work I aspire to...

almost 16 weeks old

Grant is almost 16 weeks old (wow time flies!) and will have his 4 month doc visit on 1/21. I can't wait to post the "stats". ;0)
Another week of sickness in the house. James came down with yet another cold/cough and now brother has, what we hope, is an abbreviated version of it...

I am back to work on 1/28! Love to all,

Sunday, January 13, 2008

leg and booty shot...

Gotta love the legs and booty...the more chunk and rolls, the better. ;0)

Friday, January 11, 2008

peek-a-boo, jamie boo

i like to eat my hands...

Just a short, real time clip for the grandma-ma! ;0) And all other adoring Grant fans out there. ;o) Nothing too exciting but its fun to see him in action.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

my little superhero

James is a walking billboard for all things "super". Here he is modeling his favorite Batman hat...with his devilish grin. Chances are he also had his Spiderman, Power Rangers, Diego, Buzz Lightyear OR Incredibles under-roos on as well...boys will be boys!

All bad guys BEWARE! ;0)

all suited up

Grant received this really sweet outfit as a gift and before it is too small I wanted to dress him up and take some shots. He was on the verge of a "I'm hungry/sleepy" cry but I managed to get some decent ones. 
Hope everyone is having a good 2008 so far...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Grant sleeping - again...

Grant was 14 weeks old this past Sunday and is just growing like a weed. I don't know how true to size some of his clothes are but he had some 6-9 month stuff on the other day. I swear they are all different depending on brand. All I know is that I tend to retire outfits faster then he can wear them! Glad to see his baby acne is clearing up too! Yea!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Uncle Steve....

Uncle Steve returned to NJ today. We miss him already and loved having him here for a long weekend. We will see him again soon when we head to NJ for Easter.

the gang

Friday, January 4, 2008

Birthday Celebration!

Today was mommy's 34th birthday and we all went to The House of Gengi (like Benihana) for dinner where the meal is free for the birthday girl! Uncle Steve is visitng us this weekend and we are so excited to have him here. It was another wonderful birthday.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year and Happy Birthday Ya (Grandma)!

Happy New Year! Not only is it the first day of 2008 but it is also Ya Siripoke's birthday. We all went to the Buddhist Temple today to celebrate the new year. A beautiful day, good food, family and friends. A nice way to start off the new year!

Here's to a happy and healthy 2008 for all!

Much love, The Siripokes