Friday, May 30, 2008


I have posted a lot of pictures lately but no updates so here it goes...

All is moving along in the Siripoke household. We our hosting my sister-in-law's baby shower on Sunday and it has forced us to really get all the last few home improvement projects completed. We still have a way to go before Sunday but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. My sister-in-law is expecting her second child, and first daughter, also the first grand daughter in the family so its very exciting! I hope to post lots of pictures of the party early next week.

The boys are great. Grant is on Day 12 of his 20 day antibiotic treatment and is doing really well. No more runny nose or hives, so we are very grateful. James is getting bigger by the minute and is starting to write his name - VERY exciting stuff. 
Grant is attempting to pull himself up (often resulting in a face plant) and gets on all fours and rocks back and forth but mainly relies on his army crawl to get from point A to point B. 
Just this evening in his crib I heard him say "da-da" - totally random but so cool! He is a clapping maniac and loves to mimic sounds and finds the exercise HYSTERICAL. I will try to get it on video.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

ahhh...strollers are magical

ahhh...strollers are magical
Originally uploaded by ssiripoke

if Grant was even remotely cranky before this walk, it is a faint memory...;0)

Monday, May 26, 2008

my walking companion

my walking companion
Originally uploaded by ssiripoke

happy boy

happy boy
Originally uploaded by ssiripoke

well rested

well rested
Originally uploaded by ssiripoke

just after a nap...happy until hunger kicks in...;0)
Happy Memorial Day!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008

a little closer...

a little closer...
Originally uploaded by ssiripoke

and in color to capture those eyes...i think this completes my Grant set for 23 May 08 ;0)

looking out the window

looking out the window
Originally uploaded by ssiripoke

Today my parents attended the funeral of a dear family friend who lost her long battle with cancer. Sometimes I notice Grant smiling at things beyond my shoulder and my belief is that children may just see things that we as adults don' it an open mind, or just call me crazy. But it reminds me that those we love are in a better place watching over us and making my son smile...our love and hearts go out to Amy's family today and always.

playing with the curtain

playing with the curtain
Originally uploaded by ssiripoke

happy memorial day weekend

happy memorial day weekend
Originally uploaded by ssiripoke

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Oh boy....

Oh boy....
Originally uploaded by Nathiya

James is wearing a balloon car made by the balloon man at a recent birthday party. But of course he realized it could also be a jet pack, back pack. Why not?!

Monday, May 19, 2008


He's fast but I got him!! 

allergy update

Well it looks like little G has several things we are going to keep an eye on:

First and foremost he is testing positively for peanut allergy. How severe, we wont know until he eats peanuts again, but that wont be until he is at least 3-4 yrs old. Until then we avoid it like the plague, along with eggs and possibly wheat.

He also has a chronic sinus infection, that darn runny nose just wont go he's on meds to zap that and then we should start seeing the hives go away. The peanut reaction would last a few hours not weeks so we are blaming the chronic hives on his viral/bacterial infection. Ears are clear thank goodness, and these meds will fend off any impending infection there!

On a good note, these are all manageable ailments and he is happy and VERY rambunctious. He also is 19 lbs and 29 1/2 inches long - that puts him 50th% for weight and 95th% for height. His latest favorite pastime is clapping! ;0) SO cute.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

So close...

So close...
Originally uploaded by ssiripoke

yet so far. Poor Mr. Whiskey. Too bad I was present to protect the berries. ;0)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

our family

our family
Originally uploaded by ssiripoke

James' drawing skills have really blossomed. Doodling is starting to take shape. He draws all the time and today he made me what he calls "our family". Pretty awesome. ;0)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


UPDATE: Grant has a peanut allergy. Stinky diagnosis but we're in good hands and we'll learn more at the allergist appt on Monday. 

Grant is just getting over a really bad case of hives. We cant put our finger on the cause but we are awaiting blood tests looking for both food and airborne allergens. Ick! We think its just a reaction to the high pollen counts we are experiencing right now. Worse allergy season in 6 years in this area. Yuk! I know mine are bad....

The poor kid is on the mend, never a dull moment.


Originally uploaded by ssiripoke

the look is priceless

the look is priceless
Originally uploaded by ssiripoke

Sunday, May 11, 2008

happy mother's day

luke & anna

luke & anna
Originally uploaded by ssiripoke

are the children of our friends Sue and Adam. They celebated their first birthdays on Saturday.


Originally uploaded by ssiripoke

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Further Grant update:

age: 7 months 
what's new (or not for that matter):
no teeth, lots of drool. 
Really sweet patch of hair on the top of his head we call his "piece". 
Loves pretty much every kind of fruit, also carrots and sweet potatoes. 
Love of rice cereal has petered out a bit. 
Loves to be given water out of a sucking but drop it into his mouth. 

Special tricks: Gargles something fierce...please see last post. 
Favorite "word": ba-ba, no relation to the bottle (yet)
Latest move: the army crawl, up on all fours for about 2 seconds then parks on his tummy and uses knees, toes and arms to get to his destination. Has a serious turning radius, can turn on a dime. ;0)

Grant "Chewbaca" Siripoke

click and see why Grant is now affectionately known as Chewie. ;0)
Mouthwash anyone?

Monday, May 5, 2008

weekend in LA

We spent the weekend in LA visiting my cousin, her hubby and daughter Madeleine.
Maddie as we affectionately call her was my little model throughout the weekend and I got a ton of good shots of her. She is a natural! ;0)