I have posted a lot of pictures lately but no updates so here it goes...
if Grant was even remotely cranky before this walk, it is a faint memory...;0)
just after a nap...happy until hunger kicks in...;0)
Happy Memorial Day!
and in color to capture those eyes...i think this completes my Grant set for 23 May 08 ;0)
Today my parents attended the funeral of a dear family friend who lost her long battle with cancer. Sometimes I notice Grant smiling at things beyond my shoulder and my belief is that children may just see things that we as adults don't...call it an open mind, or just call me crazy. But it reminds me that those we love are in a better place watching over us and making my son smile...our love and hearts go out to Amy's family today and always.
James is wearing a balloon car made by the balloon man at a recent birthday party. But of course he realized it could also be a jet pack, back pack. Why not?!
yet so far. Poor Mr. Whiskey. Too bad I was present to protect the berries. ;0)
James' drawing skills have really blossomed. Doodling is starting to take shape. He draws all the time and today he made me what he calls "our family". Pretty awesome. ;0)
UPDATE: Grant has a peanut allergy. Stinky diagnosis but we're in good hands and we'll learn more at the allergist appt on Monday.
Grant is just getting over a really bad case of hives. We cant put our finger on the cause but we are awaiting blood tests looking for both food and airborne allergens. Ick! We think its just a reaction to the high pollen counts we are experiencing right now. Worse allergy season in 6 years in this area. Yuk! I know mine are bad....
The poor kid is on the mend, never a dull moment.
are the children of our friends Sue and Adam. They celebated their first birthdays on Saturday.