I am sure a lot of you out there read these posts every so often and might say - "wow Sarah sure is detailed with her entries" - not only do I love that fam and friends actually take the time to read (and quite possibly enjoy) the info but its also a virtual time capsule for me....2 kids + a busy life = memory loss, so this is a great way for me to go back and read milestones that I might otherwise forget to write down at all!! So love to you all for checking in on us periodically....
As my title says, we had to move Grant's 6 month visit (hard to believe its been 6 months!) until next week since he is still recovering from 2 ear infections and pink eye. I think I was in denial and couldn't bring myself to call it "pink eye" but when I Googled it any eye infection is indeed pink eye. Maybe I thought I couldnt spread it to others or catch it myself if it was called something other then the dreaded "pink eye". I think its the modern day leprosy...;0) People hear the words and run! ;0) But we weathered the storm and washed our hands until cracked and it has passed. Thank goodness for antibiotic eye drops! ;0)
So another week or so before Grant gets yet another slew of shots and the official weight and length! Lately he lays on his back and does this leg lift manuever that reminds me of a mix between a crab and bucking bronco....actually sounds like someone is pounding on the floor every time he gives a lift and kick! ;0) Sitting up skills have improved significantly and he wants to lerch forward as if to crawl/move but that often ends in a hands behind the back, face plant....try to avoid that on anything other then the soft bed. ;0)
We have also added bananas to the menu and they seem to be a hit....in a few days, carrots!!
Until next time....
so sorry to hear about the ear infections! We too are still plauged by them. Our doc rec'd cod liver oil for us today; said its an old school remedy that helps prevent, so we started it tonight. Will let you know if it works (and it comes in different flavours too!). Hugs to all the boys!!
Like the new blog layout, btw!
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